Leadership Development

We have been designing and delivering leadership programmes for a number of years and have a number of clients who return to us regularly to take advantage of our expertise in developing their leaders.

We are constantly updating the design of our leadership programmes to incorporate the latest leadership research. We live in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Chaotic and Ambiguous) world and the demands on leaders is constantly changing, so there is a requirement of them to adapt in order to meet new challenges. We take the same approach; ever changing; ever adapting.

This results in great outcomes for our clients and excellent feedback for us. All leadership programmes are fully interactive and engage the participants, both intellectually and emotionally in order to embed the learning. 

We regularly run open leadership programmes from our training centre in Warwickshire, but also design and deliver bespoke courses for our clients. Here are some of the courses that we are able to deliver or adapt to suit your organisational requirements. 

Here is a flavour of some of the past programmes that we have run for our clients.

Emotionally Intelligent Leadership – An introduction   A one day programme offering an exploration of the fascinating subject of emotional intelligence (EQ) and what it means to anyone that has a leadership role within an organisation. Attending the programme will provide you with the knowledge and skills to develop your self-awareness, manage your emotional responses, understand those that you lead and improve your workplace relationships. 

How to Manage Difficult Conversations   A half-day programme offering a start to finish approach to having those conversations that leaders often can’t bring themselves to have. We’ll be exploring what constitutes a difficult conversation; why leaders avoid them; how to prepare for them; what happens to our mind and bodies whilst they are happening; and how we can be at our best when we’re having them.

Understanding Your Team   A half day programme offering an innovative approach to gettting to grips with the way  your team interacts, using the most popular personality psychometric tool available in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This fully interactive workshop will provide delegates with an insight to their own personality, the  personality types of their team members and how they can utilise their understanding with their teams back in the workplace.

Leading People – The Basics  Making the transition from being an individual member of a team to leading a team can be a daunting prospect. Without an understanding of how to be an effective leader the change can quickly become difficult for the leader, the team and for the rest of the organisation. Attending our ‘Leading People – The Basics’ programme, spread over two days, will provide delegates with valuable insights into understanding their role, understanding their team then leading the team. Delegates will learn and practice leadership tools that they will immediately be able to utilise with their teams back in the workplace.

Leading Your Team – Beyond the Basics   This two day programme is designed to assist leaders in understanding how to lead authentically. As Eisenhower once said, ‘The art of leadership is getting others to do what you want done, because they want to do it’. This fully interactive programme will assist leaders in making the transition from management to leadership by focussing on their own vision, strengths, values, motivation and conduct, and then turning the focus on to leading their team towards their objectives.

Leading Through Change – A programme tailored for each individual client, depending on the needs of the organisation. Each programme is designed to provide organisational leaders with a strategy for leading their people through periods of change that may at times be complex and challenging without the added complication of deciding what and to tell people and when. Each programme will assist leaders tasked with implementing change, in focussing their efforts on organising and navigating the change and delivering the right communication, to the right people at the right time.  

Developing Leadership Resilience in the Workplace – Our resilience development half day programme is specifically designed to support leaders in not only developing their resilience but also in maintaining it long in to the future.  The interactive programme is designed to engage participants in thinking about their own strengths and how they might use them in enhancing not only their own resilience, but also the resilience of those around them. Utilising the latest neuroscience and research in the areas of mindfulness, cognitive behavioural coaching and neurolinguistic programming we aim to make a real difference to the levels of resilience of those attending the course and provide them with techniques to use back in the workplace. 

Brilliant Business Presentations for Leaders – Our ‘Brilliant Business Presentations for Leaders’ programme will take you on a journey of discovery as you learn how to overcome your nerves and deliver powerful and memorable presentations. The workshop will cover everything from preparation and planning; finding your voice; telling your story; using technology; understanding your audience , using body language, through to delivering brilliant presentations.  

 The Dark Side of Leadership – Handling Emotions in the Workplace.  A one day programme offering delegates a better understanding of what happens to us when our emotions start to impact on our leadership in an unhelpful way. Full of practical tools and techniques to help leaders to cope with what can sometimes be quite overwhelming feelings.